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Yuki Otake

大竹 悠生



VI E DITは“人生”を意味する”VIE”、”編集”を意味する”EDIT”による造語であり、人々の人生を編集する服を作りたいという願いがこめられている。

Yuki Otake

Tokyo in 1998, whose journey into the world of apparel design was inspired by a life-changing event—his younger brother, 12 years his junior, being diagnosed with cancer. Driven by the question, “What can I do to make a difference?” he explored various possibilities and eventually found his path in fashion. Self-taught, he launched his own brand and dedicated a portion of its revenue to supporting children's education through the Darunee Scholarship Program. This experience profoundly influenced him, sparking a deep realization of the joy and fulfillment that comes from bringing happiness to others through his passion. Determined to hone his skills further, he committed himself fully to his craft.

At the age of 23, he became the youngest designer and production manager in the history of his previous employer, a renowned fashion brand specializing in collections. His brand, VI E DIT, is a fusion of the words “VIE” (life) and “EDIT” (edit), symbolizing his desire to craft clothing that transforms and enriches people’s lives.



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