Designer Tomohiko Banno
Born on June 9, 1980 (44 years old) in Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Having traveled to 20 countries around the world, I developed an interest in the world of tailoring and co-founded the bespoke suit specialty store "DAVID LAYER" with my brother, Akihiro, in 2012. After being featured in numerous famous fashion magazines, I appeared in various media outlets in Japan, including TV, radio, and newspapers. I also served as a lecturer, speaking about dreams, at numerous junior high schools and high schools.
I have made multiple appearances on renowned fashion collection stages in Japan. The concept of "bespoke suits" revolves around creating something that embodies the "ideal self." We craft unconventional suits from a selection of over 15,000 different fabrics. Many celebrities and athletes have been captivated by the allure of these suits.
Exhibited at Milan Fashion Week in Italy in September 2023.
We receive visits and requests for on-site measurements from customers all over Japan, and we travel nationwide to serve them. We continue to create one-of-a-kind bespoke suits, incorporating unique elements such as traditional Japanese patterns and bicolor designs that are not commonly seen in ready-to-wear products.
デザイナー 伴野友彦
1980年6月9日生まれ (44歳) 滋賀県守山市出身。20カ国の海外を渡り、テーラーの
世界に興味を抱き2012年にオーダースーツ専門店「DAVID LAYER」を、弟 彰洋とともに立ち上げる。有名ファッション雑誌への多数の掲載を経て、国内の有名TV、ラジオ、新聞など多数のメディアに出演。多数の中学校、高校などで夢を語る講演の講師を務める。